Diamond in the Rough

Diamond in the Rough

Are you going through something rough or are you just polishing? What I mean is are you having a rough time in this journey called life? OR are you using the rough times to polish you like the diamond you are? There are givens, things that no matter your past, present or future are truths about life that no one can escape. 

Life is not fair. Plain and simple. It isn’t for anyone. Life is dealing you a hard hand right now? Life dealt you a past full of trauma? Life gets in the way every time you think you are on the upswing? Life is not fair. It is easier to accept this truth as it is, that way when things happen, you don’t fret or worry as much because... It’s just life.

Everything changes and ends, including life. You are born and you die. Everything changes and ends. This can bring comfort if you allow it. That means that if you are going through a rough patch, give it time it will change, and it will end. Life can throw some serious curve balls at us, but we can adapt, change and turn the cycle to something greater if we want to. If we put the effort in. 

Not everything goes to plan. I know, I am one that if plans change suddenly it is hard for me to accept the quick change and adapt. I’m working on it. This statement “Not everything goes to plan.” Helps to bring me back to the present that even with my best efforts, things sometimes just don’t work out and that is ok. It could be that it didn't work out to show me something better up ahead. Who knows? It could be just what I need! 

Pain is a part of life. Whether it is physical, mental, or emotional we will all experience pain in our lives. It is a given. It is how we react to the pain that matters. We can use it as an excuse to stop us, hold us back, or drag us down. We can also use it as a catalyst to catapult us into something bigger, greater, brighter. The choice really is ours. 

Life can be bad, it can be hard, and can be downright brutal. The choice is ours to stay in that mindset or we can really change our perspective and start to see a light shining. Without the rough times, all of the getting banged up, tossed around and spit out, we could not be polished into the bright and shining diamond I know that you can be and are.


As always, much love! You are loved, you are worthy, and you are so much more than enough. 

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