The Story Behind the Products

The Story Behind the Products

Everyone and everything has a story behind it. Most of us walk through life not realizing this. Honestly, most of us don’t even sit to think about our own story. We let it run us, run our thoughts, our lives. 

The sarcasm and the random products… well that is just my personality shining through. My photography is an outlet. Always has been since I was a child. I enjoy nature. I enjoy finding the beauty in the discarded

The story behind the story of our products is one that is quite simple. Simple sayings or affirmations to encourage others. You matter. You are enough. You are worthy. You are loved. I love you. These quotes were once something I never would have believed, or I thought was laughable if you were talking about me. I was in a dark place, driven there by a life of trauma. After years of believing the worst about myself, I had an awakening of sorts that I was always worthy of love and connection, but as I grew older, I believed the trauma that I was defective, helpless, and alone. 

It is now my mission to help spread those affirmations as much as I can, until others believe it about themselves too. We are all human. We all are worthy of love and connection. Through my products I can spread these small phrases of love and understanding to the masses. The unseen, the unheard, the so called unlovable. 

You are not alone and by purchasing and wearing or using our products you are spreading love, kindness, and connection to others. 

Until next time… You are loved. You are worthy. You are enough. I love you.

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